Red Branch Media Replay
Did you see that goal? Our clients scored big this week, and we have the replay right here for you in case you missed it! Whether it’s identifying, aligning or tracking your goals, our clients have you covered. Take a look at the Red Branch Media replay from this week to see how you can better reach your professional and organizational goals. Don’t forget to share your thoughts in the comments below, and share this post with your social friends!
This week in the #RedBranchWeekly:
- 7 Best Practices in Aligning Goals – ClearCompany
- Interview on the Go (Infographic) – GreenJobInterview
- 3 Huge Misconceptions that Can Transform Your Workforce – Herd Wisdom
- 18 Surprising Employee Relations Statistics – HR Acuity
- 18 Undeniable Reasons You Need an Applicant Tracking System – Recruiterbox
- Training is the Coconut Oil of the Workplace (Part Two) – Visibility Software
7 Best Practices in Aligning Goals
Defining and communicating goals is one thing, it is quite another to implement total and strategic talent and goal alignment throughout an entire organization. We’re talking about more than a mission statement here, and these are the 7 best practices to help get you there. Read more…
Interview On the Go (Infographic)
The discussion of how mobile is increasing is continuous, and we can’t stress enough how important it is to include mobile capabilities into your interview process. With 4 out of 5 people using their smartphones within 15 minutes of waking up and 86% of smartphone owners searching for jobs on their phones, it seems obvious to us that employers should have already jumped on this mobile bandwagon. But is it a bandwagon? We don’t think so, and we’ve got the stats to prove it in this infographic. View the infographic here…
3 Huge Misconceptions that Can Transform Your Workforce
The idea that you need to increase employee engagement because you have bad workers is just wrong. Employee engagement is about creating a relationship from which all parties can benefit. Signs of disengagement aren’t best used for labeling or blame-gaming, they’re best used to fix the issue at the heart of the behavior. Read more…
18 Surprising Employee Relations Statistics
While this is a hot topic, not every company has an employee relations specialist. Nor does every company apply its employee relations policies correctly. So how are managers responding, and what’s the impact on the workplace? Read more…
18 Undeniable Reasons You Need an Applicant Tracking System
ATS has saved 20 percent of companies precious time during the hiring process. Over half of organizations have noticed the recruiting trends and plan to make some major HR technology purchases in the next 18 months. Read more…
Training is the Coconut Oil of the Workplace (Part Two)
Did you catch the first part of this two part series on the natural wonders of training? Okay, so there’s nothing very natural about an LMS, but what we’re going for here is that training seems to be the fix-all when it comes to finding a remedy for many of the problems that are trending in the workplace today. Just as coconut oil seems to be the go-to for every problem under the sun, training has proven to be an effective solution for an array of workplace issues. Read more…
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